Create an app store that converts

Are you looking to improve the conversion rate of your app store? My new app store playbook will help you turn your app store into a conversion machine.

A strong technical background.

I have attained a First Class BSc (Hons) in Software Systems Development from the Waterford Institute of Technology with a 1.1 grade. This helps me to design products that are both usable and technically feasible.

I've won awards.

As Product Owner of DoneDeal's apps, I turned 2-star apps into 5-star award-winning apps. Over two million people in Ireland have downloaded the apps.

An advocate of principles.

I advocate leveraging Design Thinking, Lean, and Agile principles to create digital products. This learning mindset empowers me to explore solutions to the problem, create the right solution and build it right.

Designing apps since 2012.

Back in 2012 I created and developed an app for public transport commuters in Ireland. This app went on to win the Sun Life Enterprise Award. Which is for final year projects that demonstrate a strong commercial potential.

A featured writer on

Thousands of people worldwide have read my blog, and I featured as a top writer in design on Medium. Check out my blog where I write about digital product development.

Speaking at global events.

I’ve performed presentations and workshops right across the globe. My speaking has ranged from universities, meet-ups, right up to conferences. In 2018, I spoke at the UXDev Summit in Florida, where I presented "My UX Guide to Developing Awesome Apps".